The Spread of Interferon-γ in Melanomas is Highly Spatially Confined, Driving Non-Genetic Variability in Tumor Cells. Edoardo Centofanti#, Chad Wang#, Sandhya Iyer#, Oleg Krichevsky, Alon Oyler-Yaniv, and Jennifer Oyler-Yaniv, 2023. PNAS. 120 (35) e2304190120. #equal contribution, Press coverage can be found here.


TNF controls a speed-accuracy tradeoff in apoptotic decision to restrict viral spread. Jennifer Oyler- Yaniv*, Alon Oyler-Yaniv*, Evan Maltz, and Roy Wollman, 2021 Nat. Comms. 12, 2992.

Catch-and-release signaling enables long-term gene expression changes in response to transient inflammatory stimulus. Jennifer Oyler-Yaniv, Alon Oyler-Yaniv, Mojdeh Shakiba, Nina K. Min, Oleg Krichevsky, Nihal Altan-Bonnet, and Grégoire Altan-Bonnet, 2017 Molecular Cell, 66 (5), 635-647.

A tunable diffusion-consumption mechanism allows plasticity in cell-to-cell communication in the immune system. Alon Oyler-Yaniv, Jennifer Oyler-Yaniv, Benjamin M. Whitlock, Zhiduo Liu, Ronald N. Germain, Morgan Huse, Grégoire Altan-Bonnet, and Oleg Krichevsky, 2017 Immunity, 46, 4, 609-620.

Scanning fluorescence correlation spectroscopy as a versatile tool to measure static and dynamic properties of soft matter systems. Manish Nepal*, Alon Oyler-Yaniv*, and Oleg Krichevsky, 2015 Soft Matter, 11, 8939-8947.

A small-molecule c-Rel inhibitor reduces alloactivation of T cells without compromising antitumor activity. Yusuke Shono, Andrea Z Tuckett, Samedy Ouk, Hsiou-Chi Liou, Grégoire Altan-Bonnet, Jennifer J. Tsai, Jennifer E. Oyler, Odette M. Smith, Mallory L. West, Natalie V. Singer, Ekaterina Doubrovina, Dmitry Pankov, Chandresh V. Undhad, George F. Murphy, Cecilia Lezcano, Chen Liu, Richard J. O’Reilly, Marcel RM van den Brink, Johannes L. Zakrzewski, 2014 Cancer Discovery, 4(5) 578-591.

Structure of DNA Coils in Dilute and Semidilute Solutions. Manish Nepal, Alon Yaniv, Eyal Shafran, and Oleg Krichevsky, 2013 Physical Review Letters 110, 058102.

Convergent evolution of hyperswarming leads to impaired biofilm formation in pathogenic bacteria. Dave Van Ditmarsch, Kerry E. Boyle, Hassan Sakhtah, Jennifer E. Oyler, Carey D. Nadell, Éric Déziel, Lars E.P. Dietrich, and Joao B. Xavier, 2013 Cell Reports, 4(4), 697-708.

Interaction of lipocalin 2, transferrin, and siderophores determines the replicative niche of Klebsiella pneumoniae during pneumonia. Michael A. Bachman, Steven Lenio, Lindsay Schmidt, Jennifer E. Oyler, and Jeffrey N. Weiser, 2012 mBio, 3(6).

Klebsiella pneumoniae yersiniabactin promotes respiratory tract infection through evasion of lipocalin 2. Michael A. Bachman, Jennifer E. Oyler, Samuel H. Burns, Mélissa Caza François Lépine, Charles M. Dozois, and Jeffrey N. Weiser, 2011 Infection and Immunity, 79(8) 3309-3316.

Marginal Nature of DNA Solutions. Eyal Shafran, Alon Yaniv, and Oleg Krichevsky, 2010, Physical Review Letters 104, 128101.